Name sources
Different name sources can be prioritised in a list per Identity. The prioritisation is used to decide which name is shown in the display for incoming/outgoing calls.
These name sources are available:
Speed dial
*Note: The sequence in which the name sources are displayed corresponds to their default settings.
For SIP-P-Asserted-Identity, SIP-To-From and SIP-Contact: if the SIP contact in the SIP header contains a display name, this is the name used in the display.
For speed dialling keys, contacts and LDAP: The phone number in memory is shown on the display. If an entry with a suitable number is found, its name is displayed. If a label has been set for a speed dialling key, this label is displayed.
*Note: If the list is empty, only the phone numbers are displayed.
Web interface:
Identities > Options for experts > Name sources
*Details about the settings are in Options for experts
Settings > Identities > Options for experts > Name sources
*Details about the settings are in Name sources
*Details about provisioning this function in the Auerswald DokuWiki