Date and time
The phone absolutely requires a time and has an internal clock for this purpose. The existing time information is a prerequisite for functions such as automatic updates but also encrypted telephony. It is also used to log incoming, outgoing and missed calls.
The time is set automatically by querying an NTP server. This NTP server that can be reached from the phone must either be entered in the phone or provisioned e.g. by a PBX.
*Further help under Using provisioning
*Further details can be found in the instructions for the PBX.
*For more information about exchanging data with public NTP servers, please consult the phone's privacy policy. You will find this in the Internet under: Auerswald Support/FONtevo Support or here: Dashboard > Legal > Data protection
Web interface: 
Date and time > Basic Settings
*Details about the settings are in Date and time
Settings > Date and time
*Details about the settings are in Date and time
*Details about provisioning this function in the Auerswald DokuWiki