Voicemail App
The Voicemail app can be used with release version 2.4A and above (COMfortel D-400 devices and above).
The Voicemail app can be used to retrieve and organise fax and voicemail messages. The Voicemail app communicates directly with the ICT system if the ICT system being used is integrated in the network and can be accessed over the Internet. Users of a provisioning PBX do not need to enter any credentials. The app is self-provisioning.
Requirement for use
ICT system is integrated in the network and can be accessed over the Internet, by VPN if necessary.
Voicemail App
*Details about the settings are in Voicemail App
1.Accept the terms and conditions
2.Create a new ICT system
Enter this information:
Name (freely definable)
IP Address
You can test the connection to the ICT system, and correct the settings if necessary, before saving it.
3.Create new subscriber:
Username (subscriber's phone number)
*Note: A password can only be assigned if the option for saving the credentials has been enabled.
The app opens after you Save and log in.
4.If all the settings have been entered and are complete, simply select the ICT system and appropriate subscriber the next time you log in.