Trigger a call
Tap on the phone number/contact to start a call.
Display options
Displays the list with all available options.
Call details
Displays additional details about the selected call:
Call type icon
Contact/phone number
call type
Call duration
Edit number before call
Displays the previously selected phone number. You can then modify the number by selecting:
Add contact
Jumps to the Add Contact menu.
* You will find more detailed information on how to create or edit a contact in Edit Contact.
Clear entry
Deletes the selected entry in the Call history.
Note: Alternatively, you can delete entries in the caller list by pressing Delete . To delete the entire list, press the button for approx. 2 seconds.
Using the Call History in Different Ways
1.Select an entry in the call history.
2.Press and hold OK for approx. 2 seconds.
The options described in the "Menu" topic are listed.
3.Select any required options.