Personal details
A contact must at least consist of a phone number and a corresponding entry in the entry fields Surname, Display name or Company .
Additionally, you can add further phone numbers, e-mail and Internet addresses, postal addresses and a contact image. Furthermore, a contact is assigned to one or more contact group(s).
For the displaying in the call data list and for various phones the Display name is used. If you have not entered anything in the entry field Display name , the display name will automatically be generated from the entries in the First name and Surname entry field. If no data is present either in the First name nor Surname entry field, the display name is generated from the entry in the Company entry field.
Note the following differences when using the contact data in the connected phones:
COMfortel 1400 IP / 2600 IP / 3600 IP / 3200 / 3500
In the contact list of the phone almost all contact data will be displayed. Not displayed are Display name, Department name and Birthday. Exception: If neither First name nor Surname has been entered, the Display name is displayed.
If there already is a contact entry with the same phone numbers in the local adress book, the contacts will be merged in the phone. The local adress book name entry is preserved.
* Further help under Contacts
Telephone number
Up to four telephone numbers can be assigned and each one can be assigned to a category. Assign an individual name in the category User-defined.
* Further help under Contacts
Creates a new contact.
* Further help under Contacts
Deletes this contact.
* Important: Deleting a contact cannot be undone.
Edit image
Creates an image to the contact.
Import of an existing graphic file. In order to obtain a good display quality the minimum size must be 96 x 96 pixel.
You can adjust the image section using the preview before saving.
* Further help under Contacts
Delete image
Deletes the image set to this contact.
* Important: Deleting the image cannot be undone.